FRiENDLY.FiREs.(LiVE!) @el.Rey
Who the FCVK is this opening act? AWFUL! How many people R up there? This is bad. They reminded me of that band that wore those long white gowns.....Spree sumthin. but this band had there regular cloths but it felt all over the place. It also felt very church like.
I was lookin around the crowd 2 C what kind of people came 2 C FF's (Friendly Fires) and once again, a very young fan base. It looked packed but the night was not sold out. When that band went off stage, I headed 2 the front and once again.......when hit the stage @10 sumthin.......they killed the show.
When I 1st saw them @COACHELLa......i did not know what 2 Xpectd from them and when they played the 1st song......I was blown away from Ed Macfarlane (Lead Singer) energy and his funky dance the HEAT! RiGHT ON! I loved it. So I was down 2 C them again and sure enough, they per4med. Awesum! PLUS, he was feelin sick and he kept apologizin about this voice, but U could hardly tell. I wood look in2 the crowd and It was great 2 C people sing along 2 evry song they played. nice. Okay.....I want a shirt. 
"Skeleton Boy"
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