....Who the FCVK is CLASS.ACTRESS? where is FAN.DEATH.? Man. Here we go again. I was hoping 2 catch FAN.DEATH since I missed them in NYC last time I was there. $H*T! Oh well. next time. I liked the beats 2 CLASS.ACTRESS......BUT.....was not crazy about the lead singer. She was tryin 2 B sexy but it was not working. If U R gonna just show us Ur shoulder non-stop.....just get off the stage. This is a concert....not a striptease. Let's C what DRAGONETTE has in-store 4 us. I hope they R bettr then this and the special guest DJ they have here. MASH-UP?!?!?! THAT still in!?!?!? wow. Where is the .45.....
....DRAGONETTE was not what I Xpected. Now I know why I did not buy the album 2yrs ago. DAM. @least she had a cute hair-do. NEXT! I went 2 C the shirts and I was still not crazy about the collection LiTTLE.BOOTs had. I did like DRAGONETTE's shirts but i was not goin 2 fork over sum $$. Nope. another mash-up?!?!!?! kill me now. I am tryin so hard 2 remember if he played a good song.....but....not really....
....okay.....If any1 is goin 2 COACHELLa this year.....U gotta go checkout LiTTLE.BOOTs. She topped the show from last year. SHE FCVKn TOPPED iT! She had lazers, 3 different out-fit changes, a back-drop w/her name and that cool gadget; TENORi-ON. Love that musical instrument. I am surprise I have not seen any1 else use it Bside her.....yet. I donot know if my ears R shot but I could not make what she was sayin.....(when she spoke 2 us).....I was lost on evry word that was cumin out of her mouth. I wood of loved 2 have heard what she was sayin 2 us. So....I am tellin U not miss this show.....U wood not B disappointed. They cum out lookin like monks on the 1st song.....AND.....she use's the lazers on a song (EARTHQUAKE) as a out....GAGA. U bettr not take that......
"Stuck on Repeat"
"I Get Around"
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