I arrived at the Fond around 9 and they have not gone on yet. I knew it. No opener just a DJ all dressed in black w/A mask on that looked very Mardi Gras w/spike wrist bands like Judas Priest in the 80s. Devil sign. He was a good DJ and loved what he played. He had another person on stage and all she did was sit there w/sum shades on wearing a two piece bikini. The DJ would walk up to her and she would feed him sum snacks. Okay. I guess this is the new thing, Performance Art DJ. Well, they sure took it to another level. Loved the dramatic exit. He stood there looking at us as if to worship him. Step down please.
The new Fonda, Music Box what ever it's called these days looks okay. Just a few changes. They added some decks on the sides and they have a huge mural of Hieronymus Bosch (Painter who is famous for "The Garden of Earthly Delights") on the walls. Right on. The Performance Art Dj got off around 930p. So we waited for Empire of the Sun for about an hour to hit the stage. Boy was it worth the wait. They killed it but no one was dancing around me. What? Oh well. It worked out for me because at Lollapalooza I was being shoved and stepped on and I was faraway to notice stuff. Tonight I am only 10 feet away from the stage and I was ready to push anyone who was gonna do the same here, but it was a tame crowd. Groovy.

The costumes looked amazing up close and I noticed a second drummer. Did not see that last time. But once again, I was blown away from what I saw. Can some one please wake up the people around me. Sux that my new found friends where stuck in the balcony. Sorry Elaine and Raquel but I was dancing for you guys. I waved at them and they looked so bored up there. Sux. Did he come out on a wheelchair looking like Flavor Flav. HAhahahahah. Okay. Other then the crowd around me who had a bad case of the Rigormortis, I had a great time and they sounded and looked AMAZING!!!!!! BreakDown!
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