Monday, December 19, 2011



I am soooo early for this SOLD OUT show tonight.  It gives me time to explore this small venue that I always hear about.  So far, it's a really cool space.  It reminds me of CineSpace (Los Angeles club on Hollywood Blvd.), but smaller.
Gemini.Club.2011Gemini.Club (from Chicago) was the opening band and they where okay.  This is there first time in NYCity.  The lead singer was a bit stiff, while the other members where moving to the music. They had some cool beats to there music.  I would of liked to have seen the lead singers connect with the crowd.  He wore his Ray Band sunglasses through the whole show.  He blamed the bright lights.  Sure, someone just did some coke before the concert.  

When they got off stage, the person next to me compared them to Cut.Copy and Pet.Shop.Boys.  Really?  Did not hear the comparison.  They sounded different, but no where near those bands.  They had there own sound that was not interesting to me.  I bet, this is not the end of them.

The second band was from Hawaii and they had a laid back sound to there music.  Think of Vampire.Weekend with a caribbean twist to there sound.  They had JUST ONE cool dance rock song and they should do more of that.  The rest was very forgotten that I wished they would of gone first.  At least the lead singer connected with us and had personality. 
Penguin.Prison.2011Penguin.Prision came out and they where okay.  Not what I expected from them.  I thought they where gonna be a bit like Cut.Copy.  I looked into the crowd and they where loving Penguin.Prision.  I was trying to get into it like the rest of the people, but it was not working.  I just stood and looked at the people dance and sing to every song they performed.  I  have two songs from them that where free.  They where good remix songs.  I did not do my research on Penguin.Prison.  If I did, I would of known that they where from New York City and not from England.  D0RK.

\m/  \m/  \m/  -  Okay.

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