I just read the review on this AWESUM concert that happened a week ago and they gave her a great review. Who evr wrote that review, we both had the same thing 2 talk about. But......we missed Dengue.Fever......DAM! I looked in2 the crowd and I saw; Drag Queens, Gays, Bi's, Lesbians, Str8's, Freaks, Artists and so on. This is goin 2 B a very interesting nite & it sure was. There was this guy goin up and down the stairs all around the bowl. He was wearin this red outfit w/A white fluffy lookin thing around his neck w/A black bike helmet on his head. Just smiling and wavin step by step.of.MONTREAL hit the stage and there was 2 much goin on. I like there music but watchin them live is ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz. They R tryin 2 hard and they had 2 many people on stage and props. I need 2 get a drink Bcause watchin that mess made me wanna have a drink. NEXT!of.Montreal went off stage (Thank God) and Henry.Rollins came out 2 introduce Mrs.Grace.Jones.......and plug.....KCRW. Now the time has come and she came on stage draped over this huge silver curtain and revelled herself after the song. She was dressed like a white trogan/tiger lookin amazon lady. AWESUM! WOW! This is goin 2 B the SH*T!She did 6 different costume changes and evry1 of them where amazing. She is on top of her game. And that amazing video that she displayed was AWESUM! This is the 2nd best concert that I have seen so far this year. She is just giving us R $$$. She is what?.......60?......CRAZY! WOW! She was playin songs from her new album and the classics. BUT! she was runnin out of time and she closed it w/her classic 70s song "Pull Up 2 The Bumper". There was no time 4 "Warm Leatherette"......DAM!......but U know what, it was okay.....Bcause......she is Grace.Jones.
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