I am on top of things.....This is so 2wks ago.....i think. @ 1st, i was not really in2 this but i gave in. I have not been @the.FORUM 4 a WHiLE! The last time i was here......I think it was......NiRVANA's or NIN w/David Bowie concert. I 4got which 1 was 1st......but that was the last time i was here. I arrived early so i could find parkin around the neighborhood BUT! it was all permit parking. What the hell is that about. When did it B-came permit parkin in this city? SH*T! So i decided 2 park in the parkin lot that cost 22$ 2 FCVKn park here BUT.......it was a good thing. I got 2 C all the KiDS! cumin 2 this place. WOW! crazy SH*T! I thought the rave scene has died BUT it is alive here. Kids wearin day-glo braclets up 2 the 4-arm.....what happen 2 just 1.....they had a dozen on both arms.....BACKPACKs! DAM! the last time i checked, we where in 2009......not 1992. I did C Mickey Mouse and Dora backpacks arrivin on the backs of 12yr old sumthin girls. Sum took off there shirts 2 show off there bikini tops. WOW! i guess they just got dropped off from there folks. I looked across from me and there where KiDs! in there car's......DRiNKiNG! SH*T! I was overwhelmed that I had 2 get out of my car and get in line. BAD iDEA! DAM!OK.....i arrived 2 this place around 8 thinkin it won't happen until 10 but i was WRONG! once i went 2wards the LONG A** LiNE 2 get in.......it.....was.....NUTS! There has 2 B anothr way in so i walked around the.FORUM and BANG! I saw a couple of kids havin trouble 2 get in so i went right Bhind them and went around there HUGE group and took out my ticket and gave it 2 the ticket agent. I AM IN! and let me tell U......it gets CRAZiER! I looked around and KiDs evrywhere......KiDs! SH*T! 2 funny. I hear the CRYSTAL.CASTLEs R on......so i rushed 2wards the floor. iT was a HUGE MESS 2 get down there. The hall-ways and aisles R CRAZY BANANAs 2 get around 2 the floor so I decided 2 go all the way around 2 the othr side and sure enough......it was less crazy. BUT! i was not allowed the the floor level, which my ticket said "GA". iT was only 4 ViP. WHAT! FCVK that. I went around that ticket agent and went all the way back and headed 2 the floor level. But i was stopped once again so i stayed by the rail and sat while the CRYSTAL.CASTLEs leave the stage. I looked around and people where climbin down 2 go on the ground floor.....I MEAN......ALOT! of kids where doin this......BUT! the music has stopped and the main lights where turned on. OH SH*T!YEAH.......sum guy went on stage and told the people 2 stop jumping down 2 the ground floor. Then.....he told us, that we need 2 sit down or the show won't happen. AND! that the Fire Marshals R here 2 C if this is all done. So people started 2 sit down and still no music. 1 hour passed. 2hrs passed. still no music. I new this was goin 2 get shut down and sure enough......around 12. it was SHUT DOWN! I guess it is 1992. :(
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