ViTALiC (LiVE!) @CONTROL (Avalon, Los Angeles, CA)'s anothr CRAZY RAINY day here in Los Angeles. Just waitin it out in my car. I found a REALLY good spot 2 park on a Friday nite on Sunset/Vine. Thank GOD 4 this rain or I wood had 2 park far. I sat in my car 4 about 30min and when there was a break, I got out quick and headed up the street 2 the.AVALoN. There was no huge line outside and I thought......slow nite, was not. The place was PACKED! The crowd was very young and the music was not that great (well 4 me) so I just leaned on the rail and watched people dance. All that watchin, I was confused 4 a security guard. what the FVCK! $H*T! I guess that's what I get 4 not B-ing on sumthin 2 enjoy this nite. Oh well....
....I did sum laps around the place from keepin me from bein bored and sure enough...MiRA.AROYO....hit the stage around 12sumthin. I rushed myself 2 the front and I saw this girl standin alone watchin and I was thinkin......girlfriend? I guess that's my fantasy about Mira. Who knows.....if she is not......oh well.....if she is......RIGHT ON! MiRA.AROYO was the guest openin DJ and she was.....okay. She played a couple of LADYTRON songs in her mix but I was not 2 crazy about the music she picked 2 play. It was kind of the same stuff the other's where playin. I was bored and I wanted 2 dance 2 sum good tunes. I was Xpectin sumthin diff from the other DJs. I wanted that JUKEBOX mixtape.....I wanted sumthin like FELIX did @ last year's COACHELLa. He did not play that much of that JUSTiCE/BOY.NOiSE stuff like the others but she did and I was........"she's part of LADYTRON". OH WELL. So once again....I went 2 the side lines and people watched. Love lookin @people doin that FVCKn robot dance......$H*T!....shoot me know. I NEVER DID THAT FCVKn DANCE when I was young. Where is the exit?...'s 1 o'clock in the mornin and ViTALiC went on and he was..........FCVKn AWESUM! He got me 2......DANCE!......Now that's what I'm talkin about. He killed it and.....he is.......HOT!......when is he cumin again? He played the right tunes and I wood not mind C-ing him the next time around.......I hope soon. My Friend........ROCK ON........Dario.....
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