EDiTORs (LiVE!) @the.House.of.Blues (San Diego, CA)
.....Strangelove, thats how my love goes.....ooooops! I mean.....There is a bullet in Ur heeeeeeeead. Give a dog a bone. But teach him how 2 kiiiiiiiiiiiill them.....I 4got there 4 a sec. The concert started so well until..........the CRAZY FCVKn security guy was goin crazy in stoppin evry person w/a camera. What the hell is that ALL about. He even stopped the people w/there camera phones. the PHONEs! cum on. They never use 2 do this here. But it was funny just watchin him crack down any 1 leftin there arms just 2 get a shot of the band. But when he left his post.....there we where, back in takin pics.....I just decided 2 wait until the end 2 take pics......what can he do now? 2 late 2 kick me out. the show is over. Take my camera.....I do not think so. But other then that......i got sum good pix..........its was a perfect day in San Diego......it rained. What a perfect mood 4 this concert. Am I the only 1 who is not 2 crazy about the new album? It was a good thing 2 change it around on this album but I am not diggin it. LOVE THEM! but they need 2 pick up there guitars again 4 the next album. BUT! it did not stop me 2 C them live in SD and C how they R gonna per4m the songs live......and U know what......they KiLLLED iT!....They always ROCK iT OUT!........I came close 2 C-ing them again @the.WiTERN but the concert felt so short in SD. So I really did not want 2 spend anymor $$$. I decided 2 spend my $$$ on a shirt. They had sum good 1's. They even had a skull shirt w/the band logo on the side.....I was thinkin.....sure.....but then again.....it felt so......ED.HARDY w/out the studs and glitter.....so no. I wanted the simple shirt w/the tour dates on the back. ROCK ON!!!!!!.....
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