Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NEW! Tokyo Police Club -Champ-

tokyo police club Pictures, Images and Photos

At first I was not gonna get this album because I was not crazy about the last one “Elephant Shell”. I heard snip its from iTunes and I liked what I heard. I downloaded the album and you know what......I LIKE! I think they produced the album themselves? If they did.....GREAT JOB! The sound of this album (CHAMP) reminds me ofPavement. I do not know if it’s me but “Breakneck Speed” sounds like “Today” fromThe Smashing Pumpkins, which is not a bad thing, I approve. No major label yet? Right on guys. Keep it independent and creative. Champ is a CHAMPION!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

NEW! Christina Aguilera -{Bi-on-ic}-

Christina Aguilera - Bionic - June 2010 Pictures, Images and Photos
When I first heard about the people she was gonna work on this album, I was in. I read that she worked with Ladytron, Goldfrapp, M.I.A., Santigold, Sia, Peaches, Le Tigre (wow, alot of females) and Uber Producers. When I heard the first single “Not Myself Tonight”, I was “Okay, not bad”. So on June 7th, I download the deluxe version from iTunes and it’s worth my $$$. You get a interview w/X-Tina about the album. She really praises Sia Furler (Sia, Zero 7) alot in the interview. Christina said ”the songs that I wrote with Sia are the heart of the record”. WOW! I listened to the tracks that Sia co-wrote; “You Lost Me”, “Stronger Then Ever” and “I Am” (my three favorite tracks), AWESUM! Even the songs from Ladytron; “Birds of Prey” and “Little Dreamer”. Amazing! Thats right.....Amazing. They are written and produced so beautifully. Just listen to it very closely and you will know why. Not to crazy about the other tracks from the Uber’s (sorry guys). Well, except by the one from Switch (M.I.A., Santigold); “Monday Morning” (another favorite track I like), I like. I was hoping to love the one by Le TigreMy Girls w/Peaches” but it was not there for me. Oh well. In that case, buy this album and get the Deluxe version. It’s worth it. Nice good Xtina.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

NEW! Podcast Mix

The Acid Twink Glowstick Mix
.01.  "Tubular Bells (Theme from "The Exorcist")"_____Matt Fink
.02.  "Chase the Tear"_____Portishead
.03.  "Xxxo"_____M.I.A.
.04.  "Finest Dreams"_____Richard X Feat. Kelis
.05.  "Tigers In the Fire (Martin's Death At the Disco Remix)"_____Love Grenades
.06.  "White Sins"_____Blitzpop
.07.  "Gem"_____Zoot Woman
.08.  "Jus 1 Kiss"_____Basement Jaxx
.09.  "Snowboy"_____Punk TV
.10.  "Get Confused"_____Fischerspooner
.11.  "Lights"_____Interpol
.12.  "I Can Change"_____LCD Soundsystem
.13.  "Take A Chance"_____Nuance
.14.  "Feeling Without Touching"_____Glass Candy
.15.  "Beatbox"_____The Sounds
.16.  "Ballerina Out of Control"_____The Ocean Blue
.17.  "Strangers in the Wind"_____Cut Copy

*****just click on the pic above 2 download this FREE mix*****

Monday, June 21, 2010

COMING SOON -NEW! Paintings-


Thats right. My NEW collection of artwork is coming out soon at a reasonable price. Its inspired by the "Loteria" (Loteria is a Mexican bingo game). This is my version of it.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


HELL YEA! HEADMAN is back once again with a perfect Electro dance album that he wrote and produced himself. Some of the songs in this record are instrumental and others have vocals. It’s a good balance of both worlds. Inside 1923, we have Dieter Meier (from the band YELLO) and Steve Mason (from The Beta Band) appear in this album and they both do a GREAT JOB. Why call it 1923? The reason behind that is the year that Cubism and Futurism started to wind down. Very interesting chose. So does this mean that the 21st century 80s Electro sound is coming to an end? I hope not. Go buy 1923 NOW!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Photobucket.....I got off the L train on Bedford Ave & the avenue was jumpin. Wow. Can not believe how much Williamsburg has changed over the past years. It is it's own city down here. I walkD down a couple of blocks and I was surprised on how fast new apartment buildings where built and more bars. How many more bars do they need here? I made a couple of turns until I reachD Wythe St. There I came upon the.BROOKLYN.BOWL. There was a short line and it moved quick........boycrisis,jdn73Photobucket.......I walkD in2 the place not Xpectin it 2 B an actual bowling ally. Right on. I thought it was an old bowlin ally covertD in2 a concert venue and it sure was not. This place was jumping. U have the bowlin ally on 1side and the dancefloor/stage across from it. This place was REALLY COOL. I loved it. I lookD around and U had hipsters, frat boys, gossip girls & in-betweeners. The musik was okay. They playD ElectroTechno and I think they playD La Roux twice but different mixes. I lookD up and the place was convertD in2 a bowlin ally. So it was not an old bowlin ally after all. It use2 B a warehouse. Right ON. I lookD around in2 the crowd again and I saw Andrew Raposo (bassist of JESSiCA.6 and he also use 2 B w/Hercules and Love Affair) walking around. So this might B a good nite after all.......Photobucket.......Time has passD and still the band has not gone on. What do U XpectD, it's NYCity. Everythin runs late here. The Bowl was still busy around 1am and sure enough, BOY.CRiSiS hits the stage around 1:10am. Okay. Not Bad. They where.....not what I Xpected from this band. The energy was good but the musik was not there 4 me. I was hoping 2 like them but not really. It was a great Xperience 2 hangout @the.BROOKLYN.BOWL. I well B back 2 C anothr band here soon.........Photobucket

Monday, June 14, 2010

DiNA.MARTiNA Show in ProvinceTown, MA

Here we R once again in ProvinceTown, MA for the month of June and one of Gary's friend told us that there was a free show of "Dina Martina" this Sunday. He told us 2 go 2 the ticket window on Sunday and get Ur Townie free ticket.

Sunday came along and Gary did not want 2 go. He wantD 2 C the basketball game Btween the Celtics & the Lakers (which the Celtics WON! Hell yea). Plus, 4 sum strange reason Dina makes Gary feel weird (What?). Gary went 2 the ticket window and askD 4 the FREE Townie ticket. The cashier just lookD @him 4 awhile and went ahead and gave him a ticket. Gary & I where laughing Bcause it was a stare that "U R not a townie". Which we R not But we R always here every year 4 about a month. I know that's not consider a townie but who cares. HEY, a townie told us anyway and we went ahead and got a FREE ticket. Plus, it was only 1 ticket.

I arrived 2 the show around 8:30p and sure enough I got sum looks. "Who is this guy" kind of looks. I felt like a impostor but who cares, I got a free ticket. I sat in the back and I textD Gary. I told him, "sum folks R lookin @me" and he textD back, "they R lookin @U Bcause Ur a good lookin person". I textD back, "Shut up & watch the game". There where sum glances not only once but twice. It was Funny. I lookD in2 the crowd and I did C the regular people in town that work & live here year round. It's very much like High School in here. Sum of the townies that we met R friendly but sum R not. Just like any othr place U go. Nothin new. I sat in the back row and the show startD @9:05.

I saw Dina Martina 2yrs ago & she was FUNNY. I find her 2 B Outragious and Original. She is different from all the other Drag shows that I have seen here. She ROCKs in my book. But sure enough, a person w/big hair had 2 sit in front of me so I had 2 move my head side 2 side ALOT! Man, this is not even a concert. 2 top it off, there was a lady Bhind me w/REALLY bad breath. $H*T! Evrytime she laughD I could smell it. Hitting me and makin me dizzy. So I startD breathing through my mouth. Thirty minutes later, that lady moved. Thank GOD!

Dina Martina was killin it. She was makin evry1 crack up so hard in the room. Just the outfits themselves R funny and she was givin us her signature CamaeToe. Love It! This NEW show was great. I love the cut & paste visuals she had of herself on old Hollywood movies. Dina would just put her head on sum old Hollywood actors and that $H*T was......FUNNY. That was GENIUS and that was my favorite part of the show. She would also invite sum people on stange who volunteerD. She would ask them question and give them really bizarre gifts. Like edible chocolate $H*T and the biggest tidy whitey w/her face make-up all smearD on it. That crazy makeup and that crazy wig is funny all by itself. After she finishD, they gave her a standing ovation. Right on Ptown! Then I saw her dash down the aisle to go outside and sell shirts and CDs. Wow. So go watch her show whenever it arrives in your town. I Highly RECOMMEND iT!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

NEW! CRYSTAL.CASTLEs -Crystal Castles (II)-

CRYSTAL CASTLES (II) 2010 Pictures, Images and Photos
This album was released early in March w/out any promotion. I saw it on my alerts on iTunes and I thought it was another band. Then I looked them up and sure enough it was there NEW album. I was shocked because I did not C anythin on the streets or music mag’s on them pushin the album (tell this day there is still no push on the album). I downloaded the album and it’s FCVKn AMAZIN! CAN NOT stop playin. No 2nd slump here. Anothr 5 star album. This whole album was produced by Ethan Kath (WOW! He is the programmer & mastermind Bhind the band). “Why Crystal Castles (II)?”, said a reporter. “Why not. Suicide did self titles”, Ethan said on a interview. The best part is that they recorded this album at a church in Iceland, a garage in Detroit and a cabin in Ontario. What, no psych ward? They R so 21st Century Goth. Look @the album cover. It reminds me of Blair Witch project. LOVE IT. A MUST BUY!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


The 1st time I heard of the.GOLDEN.FiLTER was when they openD up 4 The.Presets last year in NYCity @Webster.Hall. They where good and I rushD home 2 add them on Myspace. I wantD 2 know more about them but there was little info. Which made them more interestin 4 me. The only info I got was that they R from NYCity (of course) and they R signD 2 the same label as the.KNiFE (Brille Records). The album “Voluspa” is beautifully produced by who knows who. I tried lookin 2 who produced the album but could not find anythin. Thats what sux when U download the album U do not get enough. I need 2 buy the LP (thats if they made a print). So if U like GOLDFRAPP or GLASS.CANDY......this is 4 U. This album is sooooooooo good from start 2 finish. So GET IT!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


YEA.....this is what....3wks ago? Like I always say......"Bettr late then never". But I need 2 share my concert Xperience w/U guys (who evr is readin, thanx). So here U go.......Photobucket.........I arrived 2 the.TROUBADOUR a bit early around 8 sumthin and it was half full. I went 2 the front 2 checkout the shirts but nothin cought my eye. I went back 2 the main room. I have no idea who was the 2nd band openr But @1st they startD out really good but aftr the 2nd and 3rd song (DOWN HILL)......what a change. It felt as if I was @a jam session. They moved around from salsa 2 heavy rock 2 sum spaced out $H*T that went all over the place. Was this a joke? There where sum people jammin 2 it (mayB friends of the band). Okay. Then anothr 3rd band went on and.......OKAY.....this feels like a battle of the bands competition or amateur nite. The only good thing was Sam Sparro. After each bands set, Sam Sparro hit the decks. Where I was standin (at the left hand side of the stage where they sell beer when it gets busy) there was a little crowd formin around me. There was no dancin (whats wrong w/these people) and he was playin sum good tunes. He had anothr partner next 2 him and he playD as well. I have no idea who he was but he was wearin a nice snake skin vest and he 2 playD sum good tunes as well. They where the highlight of the evening. None of the bands where that great. Not even Casxio. I was disappontD. Not what I XpectD. Sorry guys........Photobucket

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Operator Please Pictures, Images and Photos

Operator Please R back with a new album callD “Gloves” and it DOES NOT disappoint @ all. When I 1st heard “Logic” (1st single from the album) I was so XcitD Bcause this band has lost sum members and I thought this was it 4 them. Sure enoughit was not and OP released an AWESUM single w/A REALLY GOOD RMx by “Dolby Anol” (A MUST GET). Then they released anothr single “Back and Forth” and I was IN 4 the album. If U have not heard of this band yet U need 2. They R incredible live and Amandah Wikinson’s (Lead Singer) voice is AMAZIN. A MUST GET ALBUM and U wont B disappointD.


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