This is an okay album (Brandon Flowers -Flamingo-). It reminds me of SAWDUST from The Killers. The track I can not stop playing is "Only The Young" and "Playing With Fire" (which he sounds like Johnny Cash). The others are......okay. So download those songs and maybe "Right Behind You" (good little dancey tune). Is dancey a word?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
KELE (LiVE!) @the.Music.Box (Los Angeles, CA)
The Music Box
FCVK! I missed Innerpartysystem, $H*T. Oh well. When I walked into the main floor, I looked up and what do you know, Dam! I went back to the lobby to checkout the shirts and I was not crazy about Kele's. I wanted a "Does It Offend You, Yeah?", but all they had was woman sizes only. What?! They where cool too and they have a new logo design. I guess I have to buy online. Before I came into the Music Box, I got in line for will call and once I turned around to get padded down by security, I see Har Har Super Star next in line. Does he still make music?
After looking at the shirts, I went back to the main floor. Smash-up after smash-up I hear. It makes me wanna poke my ears out. I should throw my gum to make him stop. I looked around and I noticed a very young crowd here. I wonder who some came to see. I am so curios about "Does It Offend You, Yeah?" new music and line-up (I know they added a female to the band) or how are they gonna be and if the new stuff is gonna....ROCK? I am gonna find out tonight.
Its 9 something and "Does It offend You, Yeah?" went on and after there first song (that sounded, AWESUM!), they announced that James Rushent (lead singer) was sick and was not able to sing tonight, but they are still gonna perform without him. The crowd was not pleased, but you know what, they did a great job without him. They had me moving and some people started to dance and forgot about James (not good). The new stuff sounded really good and the new members where.......Awesum! You can hear people behind me saying "I did not know there was a girl in the band and when did they add the girl?". They added the girl I think a year ago. Morgan Quiantance left the band to focus on his other band. People are not doing there research. They played a few songs and they closed it off with "We Are Rockstars". They did a great job and I wanted more and if you noticed, they played music that had few vocals. After they left the stage, I notice people started to leave. I guess a small amount where here for "Does It". Nice. More room.
I just got s notice on my phone saying that "The Charlatans have cancelled there shows". DAM! What's next? But you know what? That's alright because I had a ticket for tonights show at Detroit Bar and I could not go because I am here. It worked out well for me, but I was hoping to catch them tomorrow. Oh well. That's the second time they cancelled a show in Los Angeles. What's going on? Whats really going on is I do not know what is worse, drunk people or people with BAD breath? I think at this point, I prefer drunk people because this girls breathe is kicking. No matter where I turn my head, I can not escape that nasty smell. Just to let you know, she was next to me through the whole show. DAM!
Kele went on and it was tough to get this crowd going after Does It Offend You, Yeah?. Kele was trying his best to pump us up after that performance, but it was not happening. At some point it did. When he played a Bloc Party song (completely reworked), people went CRAZY! He would talk about his band like if they broken up, but he said something else that made you think they are working on a new album. Who knows what is going on. I just hope there is a Bloc Party album I'm the future.
Kele was doing good on his own and he was getting down. He had a really cool little dance going. I thought he would have backup dancers, but he did not (thank GOD). It was just him with three other band members. He had a Asian guy on drums, a female on keyboards and a English (white) guy on guitar and programs. I would look into the crowd and there was only one black guy around me. You would think there would be a following, but there was not. There was White, Spanish, Asians, Gays, Lesbians and so on to watch him and that's a BiG thing in my book. Kele was funny and very polite to us even though he was having a rough time calling us Los Angeles or L.A. He played three songs for the encore and the last song to close the night was another Bloc Party song "Flux". NiCE! Over all, Kele did okay, but was he freeballing? Ohhhhhh.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
When I first heard this album (Interpol -Interpol-), I could not stop playing the first three songs; "Memory Serves", "Success" and "Summer Well". I could not go beyond those songs, but then I was getting tired of them. Two weeks later, I am writing about it to let you know, THIS $H*T KICKs A$$! You would call this the break-up album because Carlos D left the band after the album was done, Paul Banks split up with his model (Helena Christensen) and they left there major label (Capital) and went back to Matador (YEAH!). But I have been reading reviews that this is there WORST album then "Our Love To Admire". WHAT?!?!?!?! "Love" was a flop? I think that was an incredible album just like this one. HATERs.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Funeral.Party (LiVE!) @the.Bootleg.(Los Angeles, CA)
Funeral Party
Bootleg, Los Angeles, CA
So the bands perform in the lobby of this theater, groovy. This is my first time coming here for a show. The sound is good from what I hear from the second band. It's a bit busy, maybe around 40 people in here so far. I like the space. Its half the size of Spaceland (maybe the size of the main floor) and perfect to see bands from every angle. I know that Hot Hot Heat performed a month ago here and Holly Miranda. Now I know that I should catch a show here.
I am so curious on how this band (Funeral Party) is gonna be and sound. They are getting great press from NME. I heard a song from them on myspace and they sounded okay. So let's see. There is this guy next to me introducing his friends to this girl who works for RCA. I was trying to hear there conversation but it was not happening. The only thing I heard the tall guy say was, "there are two guys in the band, right?". I was, what? This guy did not do his research. He covered up his mistake by saying, "its hard to keep track of bands because I see so many". Funny. I walked around (more like a shift, to the right and a shift to the left. The place is small) and sure enough, I see dickhead. Man. I saw his stacks of flyers on the tables, so I decided to put my sticker on them. A$$hole. I looked up into the stage and I see them spreading flowers. I guess it's going to be a funeral party after all.
Funeral Party went on and they where okay. They had great energy and they had some people moving. Did the lead singer just threw his flower into the crowd? At first I was, "what the FCVK was that?". Even some of the people where surprised because it hit this guy in the front, on the shoulder. Then all of a sudden, he broke out with a mask (something the three musketeers would wear) and wore it threw the song. They played around 7 songs and they had to stop because the lead was having problems with his voice. The overall performance was....okay. But it was great to see whats the deal on this band. Good luck guys and congrats on the Fred Perry.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Scissor.Sisters (LiVE!) @the.Hollywood Palladium
Scissor Sisters
Hollywood Palladium, L.A. CA
Casey Spooner perform his solo album tonight and he sounded.......did I just see him get on the floor and kicked his legs up in the air? That's funny. It seemed like I was watching a lounge singer in Vegas. He had this silver shinny suit on with a small white curtain in the background. No band, just him up there with a mic and someone pressing play after each song. I just got to see 10 minutes of his show. I thought he was gonna be spinning. Wow, someone busted out with a blue bear outfit that looks like that monster on Monster Inc. I hungout a bit in the lobby to people watch and it was a scene. It felt like I was in NYCity because you saw all types of people. They (L.A.) actually put an effort to dress up, tonight. I see some glitter on people faces and sequin. Yup, sequin. I saw 5 sequin jackets just passed by me and a dress. It seems like Halloween has arrived early here too. From the blue bear outfit to the pokemon hoodie and a crazy bright red wig that I cannot even explain. I kept staring at the guy's wig trying to make out the highlights on the tip of the hair.
One thing that I noticed when I walked in The Palladium that they don't pat you down and make you take everything out of your pockets. Why the change? Did someone sue? It use to be TIGHT security in here to the point that you could not bring gum into the palladium.
After Casey's performance I went to the shirt stand. What the FCVK? All they had was fitted shirts. I thought, "nice fit, not to loose", but it was more tight then fitted. I mean.....TIGHT! I guess they don't (Scissor Sisters) like to cater to the bigger people. The Xtra large was the size of a child shirt. I asked if this was for women and she said no, they are smaller. What? Smaller? Hello Jake, not all of use are twickers and the size of a pencil. But I was glad to see Casey had his CD for sale and I got it. I went back to the main floor and headed to the stage.
Scissor Sisters went on right at 10:35p and Jake Shears (lead singer) came out looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator" with black spandex on. The last time I saw someone wear spandex here was Andy Bell (lead singer of Erasure) who wore red spandex for "The Circus Tour". But, Andy wore it the best. Baby Daddy (guitarist) looks the same. Del Marques (bassist) looks like George Michael from the 90's and Ana Matronic looked like Bettie Page from the 1950's. But the playlist was.......WACK! What the FCVK? No "Mary", "Return To Oz", "Get It Get It", "It Can't Come Quickly Enough" or "The Skins"?. At least they played "Running Out", "Something Like This" (with a lazers). Wow, lazers. Lazers are expensive, just to let you know. To tell you the truth, I was getting bored. I was not like this the first time I saw them. They kicked a$$, but tonight, that magic was not there. I guess because they did not play those songs I wanted to hear that made me Love them. They sure woke me up at the end when they closed it off with "Invisible Light" (more lazers that kicked....a$$!), "Comfortably Numb" and a not so crazy rework of "Filthy/Gorgeous" (with a down pour of confetti at the end). I was not crazy about that new version and the singing was not there on that song. That's when they should of pressed play. They played live and sang live all night with backup singers so it was time for old school computers to take over. I would of not mind. Not even the juice heads who already took off there shirts the moment they heard the first dance beat would of cared. They are drunk at this point.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
COLD.CAVE (LiVE!) @Detroit.Bar (Costa Mesa, CA)
Cold Cave
While heading to the O.C., there was a car accident on the freeway but it was not on my side. So there was a bit of delay because people where looking. Why? Just FCVKn go. There was not much to see. Crazy. So the last time I was here at Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa, maybe 3 years ago and it still looks the same. I like this place because it's small and perfect to watch a show. The sound here is okay and every corner of the room is a good view. When I arrived, the venue was not packed. Everyone (20 of use) is at the bar and I am the only one on the main floor. You would think this place would be a little busy considering it's Labor Day weekend, but I guess not.
The last time I saw Cold Cave was maybe last year at The Echo. They are such a good band and I wanted to see what new stuff they had (none). They Play L.A. tomorrow but it's a one day festival with other good bands. I want to go because the closer is The Rapture (I am so curious on what there new stuff sounds and plus, a member left the band. I wonder who). Last minute, I decided not go because do I really want to go to another festival? I think I am burned out right now. But I would of loved to have seen The Rapture. Next time.
It's 10:30pm and the 1st band just hit the stage. Abe Vigoda was the opener and they where okay. At first, I was not into it but after the 2nd song, they pulled me in. I like the sound, very dance-punk you might say. I liked the kid (Michael Vidal) who was playing the KORG and guitar, he was getting down and he was funny too. "If you like Madonna, "Confessions on the Dancefloor" you are gonna like this next song", said Michael. That was funny and I really liked the song they played. The lead singer (Juan Velazquez) had a unique voice, but I wished I could hear what he was saying. I was in the back of the room and could not make out anything he was singing about. I think I would see them again and I might just add them on Myspace (wish I did already). Abe Vigoda got off around 11pm and I moved up to the front.
Once again, Cold.Cave.......KILLIED iT! They had us dancing and the drunk guys in front of me kept it together. Thank God. There was no new material, but they had some new shirts (of course bought one). The only downside, there was no encore and the set was......SHORT. The concert was over right at midnight and they had us thinking they might come back on stage, but no. They only played 7 songs (I think) or 8. Who knows, but Electro Goth RULES!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Zola Jesus - Stridulum II
Is the album cover creepy enough to give you an idea what the artist is gonna sound? Of course and you need to buy this album NOW! "Stridulum II" by Zola Jesus. If you are into Fever Ray and Siouxsie & the Banshees, this is for you. Every track on this E.P. is good, but "Night" is my favorite track. It's starts off with whispering voices and then comes a shriek (like something form Blair Witch) that introduces this amazing voice from Nika Roza Danilova - aka Zola Jesus. It's the most amazing track on that E.P. I was disappointed that "Sea Talk" is not included. "Sea Talk" is another amazing song that you need to listen. Go download "Stridulum" and see them live with The xx at the Hollywood Palladium this September. It's a MUST. Nika gives you a show. Read my past blog on Zola Jesus concert at The Echo. Electro-Goth RULES!
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