@the.Troubadour.(Los Angeles, CA)
SOLD OUT! Who knew. I came in when Com Truise was on. He was good and he had the crowd going. Com Truise was not spinning, he was moving knobes, not like Daedelus. It was different. He had a live drummer playing the beats.
The crowd was young and sure enough, there was a little scuffle. Not to crazy, but it was some young girls trying to move up front. They bumped into the wrong guy and he was cursing them out. It was crazy to watch this tall, stocky and nerdy looking guy saying crap to a 5'1 girl. Just let her go and trip her while she passes by, I do.
Neon.Indian went on and they where really good. For some strange reason, they reminded me of early O.M.D. There is only one girl in the band (plays the synthesizer). They had this crazy machine that looked like a pyramid that was covered up at first. I thought it was gonna do some crazy Lazer light show, but no. It just leaked smoke and blinked a light a couple of times in different colors. GROOVY?!
Alan Paloma (Lead Singer who happens to be Mexican, right on) was a entertainer. He was cutting a rug on stage (dancing). The girls next to me where going crazy. It's their Elvis. Cute. No wonder they pushed to the front and of course, happen to land next to me. Thank God the speaker was blocking them from me.
If you haven't gotten Era Extrańa (album title), you should. It's GOOD. Just like the concert.
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ - HELL YEA!
If you haven't gotten Era Extrańa (album title), you should. It's GOOD. Just like the concert.
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ - HELL YEA!
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