So far, the treble is killing me. I am looking around and I thought I was the only one putting my finger in my ear.
I saw the set list and Tiga goes on at midnight and Soulwax at 1 am. I am looking around the crowd and it's a mix of young and middle age. I see a girl (dressed in a tiger outfit) that decided to wear her Halloween costume tonight. Groovy. Not to far from her, I see a guy dancing with his cane. It reminded me of that scene in Mary Poppins, when they are in the park dancing and singing with the animals. Pretty funny.
I don't know who was the first DJ (Zombie Nation), but it looked like he was having some problems. He kept signalling the tech people and he flipped them off and waved goodbye. D!VA. The more I look into the crowd, I don't see one single person dressed in TechnoColor (that's what I call the kids at these Rave events in L.A.). Not even one loud color of clothing. Almost everyone is in a dark shade of color. Thank you.
Tiga went on and I was not to crazy about his set. I think I am gonna scratch him off like Felix da Housecat. It's all that crazy noise (Electro-Techno). Everyone went crazy went he played, "Mind Deminsion" (a single of his from last year), but they did not go crazy when he played, "Shoes". It was not the original version of the song, it was a remix of it which I was not a fan of. Towards the end, he played, Friendly Fires "Blue Cassette" (a song with actual vocals) and it was a remix, which I think he did. It was the only good song that I actually moved to. There might be still a chance.
Soulwax was up next and what a performance. They topped there show from the last time I saw them in L.A. I think that was 4 or 3 years ago at Avaland. They got rid of there white suits and went with lite blue that looked a bit gray. Soulwax sounded great and if they play there cards right, they could be the void for LCD Soundsystem. They played a couple of new songs that sounded VERY promising.
Everything was going good until that drunk guy came out of nowhere. He pushed some people so he could be up front. People made some faces and kindly asked him to leave, but he did not budge. He just payed no attention and just danced and bumped in to people. Now, if this happened in L.A., this guy would of been pushed out or punched. Not here, they just yelled at him to move. Towards the end, they danced with him. He left for awhile and then he came back and the people slowly pushed him away. There where some other crazy drunks around, but they kept it together.
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ - AWESOME!
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