PASSiON.PiT (LiVE!) @Pomona
U know how much I Love old town I am here 2 C PASSiON.PiT 4 the 1st time @the.Fox.Theater and I LOVE THIS PLACE! BUT....i cameras allowed so U know I had 2 do my secret thing and sure enough....i was in w/my cameras....HAHAHHAHHAH. So I walked around this place and I LOVED iT! I think it's the same size a$ the.WiLTERN.....but....bettr. The sound was good and what a change 2 C people of color changin the stage instruments......No wonder Mr.Moz was here. Hum. I went 2 C what kind of shirts they where sellin and they only had 1 kind and it was not 4 me. I decided 2 pick my spot so I headed 2 the floor. DAM! the floor was in CAP. $H*T! so I had 2 stand by the rails. Now I know 2 get here sooner next time. The 2nd band went on.
I guess this band has a huge followin. "Band.of.SKULLs" was the name of the band I was watchin and they where.....okay. She was a HUGE girl. she reminded me of a female version of Joey Ramone. not bad. The girl next 2 me was rockin out 2 this. ROCK ON. they went and WHAT iS UP w/the intermission musik? iT's the 90s in here. They R playin the FOO's and that " Black Hole Sun" song.....YUK! never really got in2 those bands. I guess i was not 2 hardcore 4 them.
PASSiON.PiT went on and i was.....WTF?!?!......R U kidding me?!?! I was FCVKn BORED after the 2nd song and I wanted 2 leave but i was givin them a chance. I looked in2 the crowd and they where LOViN iT! Was I the only 1 who did not get the X B4 i came in? sorry, but they where not gettin me. He was borin me.....well....the whole band. I just wanted 2 hear my song and they sure played it. YES! okay.....GOODBYE!
"I've Got Your Number"
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