COLD.CAVE (LiVE!) @the.ECHO (Los Angeles, CA)
U know how much I love cumin 2 the.ECHO. It brings back so many good memories. I use 2 come here evry Friday nite in 2002 when ELECTROCLA$H was a silly name and it was not goin anywhere but die. U know.......the club died but the musik that was told that it will not gonna last has been proven wrong. ELECTROCLA$H is still around but under so many diff names. The musik press has been proven wrong or sum of us wood not B here 2 watch COLD.CAVE. Who new this band was from PHiLLY. I did not know. I thought they where from England until I did my background check on goggle. Goggle is so AWESUM. U can type anythin and sure enough U get sumthin. How the internet has grown. so yea.......I am here......soooooo.....EARLY. I thought the show or doors open @9:30p but my ticket say's 10p. $H*T! it was cool 2 hang outside 2 people watch and 2 hear there convo. The people in front of me was tryin 2 figure out the name of the band Tim Burgess was in (by the way, Tim Burgess is the guest DJ 4 2nite's show). I said it a couple of times under my breath but they did not hear or they just ignored me. They talked about PEACHEs show on how crazy it was. how Funny.
The doors did open around 10:10p and the 1st band went on around 10:45p. Is it me or..........was the lead girl or singer complained alot about the equipment? I was not sure but if she was.....just play the FCVKn song or leave the stage. Her voice was annoyin. I do not want 2 hear U complain.....if it's not around it and deal w/it later. But they SUCKEd either way. MayB that's why. Who knows. I looked in2 the crowd and alot of people R wearin black 2day. Is it 2 fit the mood 4 2nite's show......i wonder....hmm. So that AWFUL band went off and its already 11:30p. This is goin 2 B a long nite and Tim Burgess has not hit the wheels of steel yet. DAM. I kept lookin 2 C any1 @the DJ booth but no sign of him......yet. COLD.CAVE hit the stage and I moved up 2 get a closer look.
So far so good. I was impress by them. BUT.....when did they add the 3rd person in the band? I thought it was only him and the girl.....hmmm. Not bad though. I like. I am so surprised that they (musik press) have not said anythin about the leads voice (Wesley Eisold). He sounds a bit like....( I hate this....but...) Ian Curtis. It's not bad or "oh my god! anothr band". I C sumthin here and they might do well. I am in. Tim.....U R takin 2 long....goodbye and farewell. 
"Love Comes Close"
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