iFCVKn loves this place......CASBAH! This place kicks A$$. had a strange smell @1st but it went away quick.....thank god. I was about 2 say.....If any1 goes 2 SD (San Diego) U need 2 C a show here @CASBAH. iT's right next 2 LiTTLE.iTALY (which I LOVED!). The more I cum 2 SD, the more I LOVE iT! So far.....CASBAH is the place 2 C a show. And what a perfect band(s) 2 C them @. I really did not want 2 C the.XX @the.FONDA. This band is not ment (well.....not yet) 2 B C'n in a huge place. That's why I wanted 2 C them here. I think the cap is 77. Perfect. and small. Double perfect. I arrived early. I really did not want 2 miss the.XX. So when I arrived.....they where sellin shirts......AWESUM! bought an XX's shirt and the LP. I was so Xcited 2 C the.XX. Even though 1 of the member of the band left, they kept on goin. COOL.
I walked in2 the main room and they had sum really good music playin but no 1 was dancin. I feel like i am in LA already. Cum on! The Dj was playin TiGA, FELiX, FEVER.RAY....I could keep goin but I'll stop there. it was not full yet and i went all they way up front. I heard this nite was SOLD OUT. AWESUM! it's goin 2 B a good nite. Its 9 sumthin and the 1st band went on. "Holly Miranda" was the name of the band.....not bad. I was enjoyin there sound. Just guitars. iT's good so go & download there stuff. Which I did....Wait! wearin a ED.HARDY shirt? not so rock n' roll. 
the.XX hit the stage and they......KiLLED iT! AWESUM! Simple and the sound was perfect. They mentioned about the missin member Bcause they had a little problem w/ "Crystalised". They did okay w/out her (Baria Qureshi). I think she well not B missed. But other then that......I WANT 2 C THEM AGAiN! Rumor has it......they might B playin COACHELLA.2010. AWESUM! Can not wait. HEY! R they drinkin?......R they not under 21? funny. Rock on.
after the.XX, i went outside and there goes.....Ed Macfarlane (lead singer of FRiENDLY.FiREs) passin by me 2 get ready 2 per4m. crazy. I LOVE THIS PLACE! I went back inside and the place was PACKED! It was hard 2 get up front so I just watched the show from the back and it was......ROCKiN. People where dancin and gettin down. They woke up. About time. But once again......FRiENDLY.FiREs KiLLED iT! it was also great 2 C them in a small place. And the energy of the band is still there. AHHHHHHH....."Skeleton Boy". nice. 
"Basic Space"
"Night Time"
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