....Here we go again and so Xcited. It feels like it was just yesturday that I was here and this is goin 2 B my 1st time stayin @ a hotel. I use 2 stay w/a friend but he decided 2 move out of Palm Springs. Oh well. And this year I did not....well....I did not get picked 2 go 2 the.FiLTER.party this year. U had 2 enter a contest.?.? FCVK U! oh well. So I just hung out @the hotel (that was SOLD OUT) 2 C who else arrive's but it was quiet. the parkin lot was still empty and I turned on the TV. Watchd Project.Runway and fell asleep.............I woke up early and took a dip in the pool. nice. The weathr was good but once noon came along.....it was......HOT. I took off around 12:30p and went down the 111. Once I arrived 2 Jefferson St....it was crazy. So I went my secret way and once again....it worked. They changed the route 2 park but this was bettr. I parked by the entrance and that was anothr hour. $H*T! I got in line and it was a check point where they bag check U 4 stuff and then U walk up a couple of feet and show Ur ticket 2 get the 3day wristband. Which was a bit crazy. Sum girl wanted 2 sneak by me but she lost.....hahahahahha. But of course I had 2 get the pothead. He took 4ever. So I got my wristband...............and walked 2 the event BUT......there was anothr check point. FCVK. This is worse then LAX. Well I got in.....FiNALLY around 3. DAM. I hope 2morrow runs smooth since we have the 3day wristband (that they scan by the way. There is a metal chip underneath it). Crazy. Oh wow, they have a ferris wheel this time. Cool. But of course U have 2 pay 2 get on. I headed 2 the shirt stand 2 C what they had and bougth sum shirts (the.Specials & FEVER.RAY). After all that, I was hungry. I went 2 get sum food and I noticed a Gluten Free stand. Yea. I was shocked and happy but they did not have anythin good. So i just got my chicken and rice bowl and sat down and glanced in2 my Coachella booklet...........My 1st band on my list was.....YEASAYER. So I went 2 the tent they where playin and it was gettin full. They hit the stage on time and this time around they had lights. Cool. It's in the budget. Once again, they kicked A$$. The new musik sounded great and they where entertainin 2 watch. They played my song, "O.N.E.". I was a happy camper. Aftr them I went 2 the dance tent (SAHARA) 2 catch.....Aeroplane. Not bad and they played there Friendly.Fires RMx of "Paris". Such a beautiful song.......I stuck around 4 a bit and headed 2 the main Coachella Stage 2 catch the.SPECiALs...........this is sad. The grounds of the main stage was a bit empty. There was a few people here and this is the 1st time I am up in front @ the main stage. It was cool 2 C old, young and in-Btween crowd. Once the.SPECiALs hit the stage the crowd went......MAD. The Kids and the older people where moshing. Yes. Moshing........but the right way. Friendly. It was great 2 C that. Passing the torch and having fun 2gthr Bcause I grew up listening 2 them. The.SPECiALs where great & the energy on stage was incredable. This is my 1st time Cing them and I enjoyed evey bit of it and they played the hits. Aftr that I passed by the other stage and I saw PASSiON.PiT. They had a cool stage set and they sounded good.........anothr band that I am gonna C 4 the 1st time is ECHO.&.the.BunnyMen. Not bad. The played the hits and the music sounded great live BUT his voice has changed.......ALOT. I guess is all the smokin he still does. He had on his shades a$$ if the sun was out and a fag. I guess 2 show the kids. Who knows but he did not disappoint. Rock on Ian. Aftr that set i headed 2 the main 1 again 2 catch LCD.Soundsystem.....Wow. The big stage. They R movin up and they sounded......GREAT! Heard sum new tunes & they sounded very promising. While I was watchin this set I noticed the time and headed 2 the SAHARA.TENT. but I arrived 2 late. I missed Erol.ALKAN. $H*T! Thats what happens when I hung out 4 a bit 2 C iMOGEN.HEAP. She had a cool set. Very Bjork like. So I had 2 check it out and she was a trip. She was bouncin from Instrument 2 instrument. She had this glowin tree. CRAZY. COOL.......aftr that I went 2 C VAMPIRE.WEEKEND............VAMPiRE.WEEKEND sounded good live and they R gettin bettr. The new songs sounded great. They had the crowd sing along. It was a fun set 2 watch. Rock on Horchata. Aftr that I went 2 C Fever Ray. They hit the stage @ least 10 mints late that sum people left 2 C JayZ. The tent was FULL and I was surprise Bcause this is a DARK band but I guess that's what people want 2 C. I only stayed 4 about 5 songs. It was the same stage set up and this time there was no sage. Thank GOD! So I headed 2 see P.I.L. I only stayed 4 about 2 songs @P.i.L. Bcause I really wanted 2 catch the.Whitest.Boy.Alive. They do not cum 2 the states very often so I knew not 2 miss and U know what. They did not disappoint. He was funny and he had this cute dance (Oye). He was very entertaining and so was the band. He (Oye) spoke 2 us alot and told his journey from San Fran 2 the desert (here, Coachella) on the 1 (PCH). Thank god I stuck around till the end of the set but I knew 4 sure I am gonna pay the price 4 this. This time Coachella Xtended it's hour from 12am, now till 1am. I did not get 2 my hotel until 3am Bcause I was stuck in the parkin lot until 2. OUCH. like I said, I was gonna pay the price but it was worth watchin a band (the.Whitest.Boy.Alive) that hardly does not cum here.......
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