Sunday, April 25, 2010
COACHELLa.2010. (Saturday)
Saturday Coachella
.......The 3day wristband works! The traffic has moved and I think what helped was that this year U can camp out in Ur car. When I arrived 2 Jefferson St there was no traffic. Even on the street U turn on 2 go 2 the fest was CLEAR. nice. I like this. I really did not have 2 do my secret route. But of course U still had 2 go through there check point twice. Other then went smooth. From the parkin lot 2 the Coachella grounds it took me less then 20min compare 2 yesterday that was about an hour and 15min. nice. I went 2 the shirt stand 2 C what new stuff they had. They had a NEW the.XX shirt that I bought and that was it. I was hopin 4 La.ROUx but nothin. I headed 2 the.SAHARA.tent 2 catch Jason.Bentley. It was quiet here. But 4 sure later on durin the day it's goin 2 B crazy here. Jason openD up his set w/MASSiVE.ATTACK's new song (which I love) "Paradise Circus" the Gui Boratto RMx. nice. What a perfect song 2 start the day. I hung out 4 about 30min and headed 2 C GiRLs......
.......WTF is this?!?! Well.....the tent was full and people where in2 it but I was not diggin this (GiRLs). I took off aftr the 1st song and decided 2 walk around 4 a bit B4 TEMPER.TRAMPs. I was goin 2 standin out in the sun @the 2nd stage but I decided 2 just watch TEMPER.TRAMPs from far in the shade. My neck was burnin. I really do not know much about this band other then that song "Sweet Disposition". I was glad that the lead singer was Indonesian (I looked up the band). Did not know that. right on. So I was here sittin down and all of a sudden there was this person 10ft away pissin. okay. Then anothr person came 10min later and did the same. $H*T! So I decided 2 move. My next stop was BEACH.HOUSE. Not bad and not what I XpectD. They sounded good and what is up with the crazy cheap props that look like shiny pinatas goin in circles very slowly. Looks like sumthin my grandmothr made but I think she wood of done a bettr job. Bsides the cheep props, they where good and I think they should of playD @nite.......
......4 sure I had 2 C Gossip. This is there 1st time here and I just wanted 2 C the crowd. Already Cing family arrivin 2 the tent and it was gettin PACKED! They hit the stage 10min late. U gotta realize that every minute counts here Bcause there is anothr band goin on that U wanna C. So goin on late really kills. I was lookin @my phone Bcause I wanted 2 catch the.XX. I told myself only after 5 songs and leave but hittin the stage late made my stay short but worth it. She came out lookin her BEST. I love the makeup she was sportin. RemindD me of Souixsie Sue. She wore a very Mexican or Native American lookin outfit and she was workin it. Beth's voice was Amazin and she was Rockin iT and I loved that she told us "I 4got the next song but I know its a dance track so U bettr dance.....Bitchies!". She just outD us. AWESUM! And sure enough.....she had us dancin. I wanted 2 C more but I had 2 leave......
.......I left the GOSSiP and headed 2 the outside stage and from far away I C this HUGE X on the stage. How funny. It startD 2 get crowD so I tried my best 2 move up closer and closer until no more. They went on time and the.XX killed it. They soundD bettr from the last time I saw them (thats when the other member left them in the middle of there tour last year) and they changed a couple of the songs around. Nice job (U know I love that stuff). I guess 3 is the lucky # 4 them aftr all. I also noticed that Oliver (Guitarist) was a bit loser and givin us a stare (mean). He never did that and I prefer the old Oliver but this was....workin, I guess. Go back 2 the gentle Oliver. Just stand there and look good while playin Ur guitar. And of course they had 2 show Jay.Z on the JumboTron checkin out the.XX and people went crazy. really?!?! this is the.XX moment. I stayed through the whole set and I loveD that people did not leave. They stuck around. Good 4 them. They deserve it. Then I get a text from a friend tellin me how borin they where. I was.....what? really? wow. What do U XpectD from this person who went 2 go C Justin.Timberlake. That tells U sumthin.......
......I did the mistake 2 leave the outside stage aftr the.XX.....I 4got for what so I was stuck watcin Hot Chip from far. I lookD @my schedule wrong I guess. HOT.CHiP soundD great and the new songs did 2. It was cool 2 watch people dance and let lose. Just like they did @LCD. I stuck around 4 a couple of songs and headed 2 the GOBi.Tent 2 C, just C if BAD.LiEUTENANT wood show but of course it was cancelD. DAM! FCVKn volcano. I wantD 2 C this new band from Bernard Sumner (New Order front man) and once again I have 2 wait. $H*T. Last time they could not get in the states Bcause of visas and now this. So I went and checkD out ATERCiOPELADOs. They where GOOD. so it was ment 2 B 4 me 2 miss Bad aftr all. My people where here gettin down and showin off there MEXiCAN spirit. I have a couple of there songs (which I should play more often aftr this show) and I think I should get sum more. They where rockin it OUT!. After that, I went 2 grab sumthin 2 eat and heard MGMT from faraway. Just where I wood like 2 B. They just don't interest me. After my chow I went 2 the main stage 2 get a good seat of MUSE. I heard so much about this band live and they where right. They where......AWESUM! This is my 1st MUSE show and they did not disappoint. They had a incredible light show and killer visuals. This is FCVKn Rock 'n Roll. They even had those fireworks that land on the stage. U don't get heavy then that. PEACHEs....please have that on Ur stage next time. Aftr that.....I walked around 4 a bit 2 C SiA, DEVO and 2manyDj's that all played at the same time and late......and my camera battery died. DAM! I blame it on MUSE. they had cool $H*T...........
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