....Yea....this is a bit late but i'ts posted....right? Plus I went 2 the Big Fest @the desert this weekend (Coachella).....BUT what a great way 2 kick off Coachellla. This concert was SOLD OUT of course and thank God I looked around B4 they announced it on LA Weekly. When I arrived 2 the venue there was 2 lines. One was 2 get a ticket (I thought it was Sold Out) and that line was......Loooooong! The other was 4 people who had (that was short). I went in and HEALTH was the opener. I looked in2 the crowd and I saw hoodies, beanies, a couple of scarfs and a.....North Place jacket?! WTF. Okay, It's not that FCVKn cold. We had rain in the mornin but it cleared in the aftrnoon. Well @least sum1 decided 2 wear flip flops. Yup....
......Here we go. In2 the 2nd song and Alice Glass (lead singer) was doin her thing.....yellin singin. GOD. She has not changed and she still can't sing. She had a backin track. Wow. No wonder she just yells and throws herself in2 the crowd. I could C why they love her. But aftr the 2nd song it got bettr 4 me. The yellin was not 2 crazy. They really came a long way that they had lights 4 this show and......a LiVE DRUMMER! I was........RIGHT ON! I did not notice him until the end. I thought it was just a taped recordin. ROCK ON! It was great 2 C them where they started and w/lyrics this time. When they opened up 4 the KLAXONs.....i think 2 yrs ago......it was bouncin around and yellin a couple of words here and there. I was....."How cute. She is Xcited 2 B in a band and playin live 4 the 1st time". Look @her now. No bouncin but still.......YELLIN! Punk Rock Lives!.....
...oh.....they played sum new tracks....it look's promisin. Can not wait.
I did had videos of the show BUT.....I guess CRYSTAL.CASTLEs R HUGE now that they sent a note 2 YouTube 2 tell me 2 take it down. I guess this is when the fun stops.
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