WOW! was this the bettr then the last time around or is it just me? Beth Ditto (lead singer of GOSSiP) knows how 2 rock the house. That voice......AMAZIN. Evry1 was dancing and was right there w/her evrytime. Did C a little craziness but not as bad as the last time I was here. Well Bhave crowd 4 a rock band.
I did not C the 1st band but I arrived just in time 2 C "MEN". Not bad. It was great 2 C JD Samson (Lead Singer) doin his/her thing on stage and lovin it. Nevr heard the music and from what I was not bad. It reminded me of early ELECTROCLASH and CHiCKs.on.SPEED. CHiCKs.on.SPEED Bcause of the clothies he/she had on and the props they brought on stage. Loved that crazy costume the bass player Medieval Times. BUT......when is the next LE.TiGRE album comin out? Thats what I am waitin 4.
They had DJ Paul V play musis Btween bands and he FCVKd up a couple of times. HOLD UP. I send this guy my podcast 2 hear what he thinks and he writes back 2 me about beatmatching. I know I do not beatmatch that well but I am learning and here he is......FCVKn up. People where lookin up @him. I tell U. Enough of the mash-up. 1 song is good but anothr 1 and anothr 1. $H*T! I wanna poke out my ears w/my car keys.
I was lookin around in2 the crowd and I happen 2 C Rick Rubin (Uber-Producer. He produced the new GOSSiP album and many many others) up on the balcony. I saw him have people removed from the 1st front center row of the balcony. WOW! He had people removed! WOW! DiVA! WOW! I tell U. WOW! Other then that DiVA.......GOSSiP KICKED A$$! They even played a classic 80s song that I love and played not 2 long ago on 1 of my sets and its on my new mix......TiNA.TURNER's "Whats Love Got To Do With It". HELL YEA! Beth did an amazin job and her voice......CHiLLs. She has a soulful voice and I did not C Rick stand up not even once. WOW! but othr then that......she loves her fans and I love the fact that it shows. Givin the mic 2 the crowd 2 sing sum songs.....COOL. On the last felt as she did not want 2 leave the stage. The band left but she stood there until the curtain fell. AWESUM!
"Heavy Cross"
Tina Turner's "What's Love Got To Do With It"
"Love Long Distance"
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