the.DRUMs (LiVE!) @SpaceLand
Let's C what Boy George is raving about....."the.DRUMs R a band 2 watch out 4" say's NME. So sure enough I went 2 there myspace page an added them and looked @there tour log. SpaceLand......on Monday......sure. Mondays R free so.......let's go and C what people R ravin about over seas. I knew 2 arrive early....thank god I did. Already a line but not as big when I saw EDiTORs here on a Monday. But once i got on line around 9.........10minutes later.......people where cumin in packs and the line was gettin bigger. AWESUM! Good sign so far. So Xcited 2 C this band, but sumtimes it can B dangers. Big hype, sumtimes......disappointments. It's 945p and they let us in and when i got close 2 the door......there was this guy tellin the doorman "I am on the.DRUMs guest list". I thought this was free. I guess. A list 4 a free concert....okay. so yea. The 1st band went on and it was.......not good. The drummer was the best thing 2 watch. He was all over the place with a huge smile......2 funny.
I walked around 2 C what R they sellin. No shirts.....just the EP. Man. It started 2 get really crowded so I went back 2 the stage. 2minutes latr.....the.DRUMs hit the stage. No wonder (@1st) Boy George likes them.....pretty boys. They have females in the band.....? Oh......backup singers. Cool. Just 2 let U know......I have not heard any of there music yet.....but once they started w/the 1st song.....I WAS iN! AWESUM! Loved the crazy tambourin player (also plays the bass guitar). He was jumpin up in the air so high and hittin that thing all over the stage. I was waitin 4 him 2 hit the singer. NOW.......the singer was also great 2 watch. He had the dance of Morrissey mixed w/Ian Curtis. It was funny 2 watch but in a good way. LOVED iT! very surf pop music w/a modern twist......sumthin fresh w/backup was REALLY GOOD! I wood not mind 2 C them again. U wood think they where a European band but.....they R from Brooklyn.....of course. HELL YEA! I am in w/Boy George. Shirts......PEOPLE. next time i hope. 
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