the.BiG.PiNK (LiVE!) @el.Rey (Los Angeles, CA)

I arrived just in time 2 miss IO.ECHO.....This band is evrywhere. Good 4 them. R they the only openin band they can get? I don't mind them but.....cum on. They R openin 2 almost evry band I go C lately. I wanna C a diff act. So yea.....I don't believe it was sold out. It was easy 2 get up in front. I looked around 2 C the type of crowd and it was mixed. But of course.....i was next 2 a couple of drunk people. Let's say....drunk geeks. They where funny but it came 2 a point.....ENOUGH! already. MayB they acted this way Bcause it could of been there 1st concert.....who knows. I left really quick 2 check if they had any shirts 4 sell and sure shirts. of course. They had FREE stickers......which i took a bunch of. I went back 2 my spot and the drunk geeks R still crackin jokes. nice. 
the.BiG.PiNK hit the stage and I was very impressed by them. I thought they where gonna B borin but they proved me wrong. Loved the female drummer they had. She was hittin those drums as if she hated them. and of course.....the drunk geeks had 2 say stuff 2 them in a fake English accent 2 them. I was glad that the lead singer (Robbie Furze) just ignored them. Which made them stop. Thank god.....I can enjoy the concert now.....WRONG! when they played "Velvet".....these 2 girls came out of nowhere and dumped me 2 the side. $H*T! So of course I do my crazy move and sure enough, they moved 2 the side. But once the song was over.....(which they talked through the song) they left. Was that song on a TV show Bcause they looked sooooooooo CW 2 me. U gotta love live concerts. With out these wood B borin. So......the last song they played was "Dominos" and the drummer threw her set all over the stage aftr the song. PUNK ROCK LiVES! 
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