NiTZER.EBB (LiVE!) @the.Key.Club
WOW! Can Doug (lead singer) still move. How old is he? The more I kept lookin @him walkin around non-stop w/his sun glasses that where glued on him all nite, lookin a bit like Corey Feldman 2 me. This time around, they did not take off there shirts like sum1 in the crowd wanted. But this was anothr incredible show. They played the hits and includin sum new 1's that sounded good. Right on. 
This is 3rd time C'ing them and they have not disappoint me yet. But once again they changed the line up. The girl was gone and they got a new guy drummer but they still have YUMMY.......Bon Harris. He is still lookin good and loved his all black zuit suit wear he got goin on. FVCK! Of course he came down 2 join Doug 4 a song and did his dance. Nice. I looked in2 the crowd and it felt if I was back in late 80s early 90s. The crowd was dressed in ALL BLACK lookin as is we all came 2 a funeral. Loved it. What a flashback. People dancin and startin a.........pit? cum on U guys.....U R 2 old 4 that $H*T! put that $H*T 2 rest B4 U twist Ur knee. Also, I saw alot of male's and little bit of female's in here. Hum.
The openin act SUXd A$$ big time. I 4got there name so thats a good thing. I went downstairs 2 checkout the shirts and.....WOW, they have a collection of nice 1's. But i kept myself from buyin 1. The lady was givin attitude. I guess she has not eatin 4 awhile. MayB that was the reason. I should of gave her my protein bar I had in my pocket. Who knows what was her trip but they lost $$$. Other then that, NiTZER.EBB KiLLED iT! and being w/ my friends (APRiLL, Martha, Tim & Dana) was the best thing of the nite. Just 2 watch them dance and have a smile was priceless. Love U guys. Deanna.......U where in spirit and so was "U". Until the next 1. "Control, I'm Here". 
"I Give To You"
"Getting Closer"
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