@Hollywood.Bowl (Los Angeles, CA)
MTHRFCVKR! I just left for 30 seconds to move my car and that little $H!T ran out of the house. I walked around the block for a bit and nothing. I got in my car and drove up and down the neighborhood hoping to spot him and...nothing. I was getting nervous. They are alot of kids out today to walk Melrose and my mind started to race. What happens if that little $H!T gets scooped up by one of these kids or get hit by a car. I was trying to clear my mind of all the bad things and think positive. I was gonna call Gary, but I decided not to. He has a BIG night to night so I did not want his mind to race.
Twenty five minutes have passed and nothing. Then Steven texted me for my home address. $H!T. I gave it to him and I was gonna cancel today's concert if I had no luck.

My mind was going nuts an I started to think, "I have to start putting posters up". What picture should I use and...sure enough, I get a phone call. I thought it was Steven, but it was a person down the street from the house. He said he has my dog and he is going towards the house. YES!!! I went home and Steven text's, tell me he has arrived to the house. I texted back.
My mind was going nuts an I started to think, "I have to start putting posters up". What picture should I use and...sure enough, I get a phone call. I thought it was Steven, but it was a person down the street from the house. He said he has my dog and he is going towards the house. YES!!! I went home and Steven text's, tell me he has arrived to the house. I texted back.
I come up my street and there is that FCVKn fluffy tail wagging so happy. I pulled to the side and honked at the man. I told him "Thanks for calling and holding my dog". I grabbed that little FCVKr. I was SO mad that I locked his a$$ up. I was not going to today, but oh well.
Steven texted again. I grabbed my stuff and headed to his car. I told him what happened.
Now it was time to relax and enjoy some good music with some friends (Steven, Fran and her girlfriend and two other ladies who I just met). Yellow.Magic.Orchestra is the headliner of this World Event called Big in Japan. I Never heard of them or there music and they where, good. Very mellow electronic rock music that reminded me of Pink Floyd a bit. They had really cool visuals that I wished I had some Organic Greens with me.
Towards the end of the show, Yoko Ono came out and said a few words about Japan's earthquake and she sang just one song with Y.M.O. After that, they played a Beatles song (All You Need Is Love) that every perfomer that played tonight, all came out on stage and sang with Yoko Ono. I was glad that Steven invited me to this show because every performer was great. Thanks Steven, aka Esteban.
This was my first time seeing Cibo Matto and they kicked a$$. I wouldn't mind seeing them again, but at a smaller venue.
Towa Tai (ex Deee-lite member, I think) was the house DJ and he played some good music, BUT...they did not show him up on the Jumbotron. Why not?
Buffalo Daughter was another band that performed before Cibo Matto and they where good. Never heard of them too until today and I would catch them live again. Also, at a smaller venue as well. Rock on Japan!
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ - AWESUM!