Thursday, November 4, 2010

iNTERPOL.(LiVE!) @the.Greek.Theater (Los Angeles, CA)


No I am not a hardcore Interpol fan, it just happen that this one went on sale first. When I heard they where gonna play at Pomona, I prefard see them there then here. Interpol is a band that needs to be seen indoors then outdoors. It was a good thing that I did not sell this ticket.

I went straight to shirt stand and got my shirt (just to let you know, I washed it and the MTHRFCVR shrunk!). From there, I went to the bathroom. There was this guy next to me, barfing. The show has not even started yet. A couple of people where making fun of him. Of course you had a jerk to call him a "Faggot". Wow, you would think, but of course.
It's 60 degrees tonight and the scarfs, beanies and layering is out in full force. Groovy. I walked around for a bit and The Greek felt like a little carnival. They had tents that sold stuff like beer, kettle corn, posters and so on. I went back to my seat and sure enough, I had drunks around me. They behaved, but what's up with the FCVK food shopping during the show. It was non-stop. One after the other. So I had them walk behind me.
Interpol went on and they FCVKn killed IT! They where better here then the Pomona show. I was hoping the opposite, but they where on it. Interpol played more songs from the first album and four encore songs! The playlist was the same, but they tweaked it. When they played "Try It On" (new song), I noticed a bunch of people got up. Hey, that's a good song.

It got crazy down at the pit on the last 30 minutes of the show. People got up on stage and once up there, they where tacked by security. That $H*T was crazy. The last person that went up there took the mic and the stand (Paul Banks mic stand) with him and he would not let go. So they dragged him off the stage with the mic and stand. That left Paul mic less for a couple of seconds and pickless. Paul kept it cool with the whole thing. AWESUM!
After this AMAZING show, I bumped into my friend Blanca (hello Blanca!). She spotted me and we hungout for a bit. She just arrived from watching Interpol at Vegas last nite(WOW!). She also went 2 Pomona. Now that's a true fan, but she did not go to the San Diego show (shame on you). Blanca was a bit out of it because she only had a couple of hours of sleep from the Vegas trip. She was here with her cousins (I think, I forgot, sorry).

We where hangout and she wanted to stick around to met the band. I was down for it. While we where waiting, Blanca introduced me to a couple of ladies who she met on line that went to the same shows as she did (Groupie's!). They are here to hunt the band out. We stuck around to almost everyone left, but there was just a couple of us still here. This is fun because I never done this before. I might get to meet the band. Cool.
We where outside of The Greek and sure enough, I see Paul Banks walking to his tour bus. Kids where yelling his name and he would wave at them. This is so interesting. I feel like a groupie. Paul Banks came back out and went inside a car that was parked next to the bus. I was thinking "These kids are gonna rush the car" and they DID NOT! WHAT?!?!?!? They just stood there and yelled his name while the car just went by us. Lame A$$ fans. If I was 16 or so, I would be on the hood of the car or I would of ran to my car and followed him. Some kids left, but others waited for the band to come out. We stuck around for a couple of minutes and then we decided to leave. Blanca has met the band before so she was done. I went home and Blanca texted me that Paul came back and he signed and took pic's with the fans that where left. DAM!!!!!!

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